Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Getting ready to go to Canaan

We've read how the Israelites built and created a dwelling place for God.  God planned every step.  Even  how the tabernacle was to be dismantled and transported to the next camp site.  By the way, God didn't ask the people if they wanted to or to pray about it to see if they felt led to fill those positions.  He just told them.  PERIOD.  God doesn't let any adult off the hook.  You have a God specified work to do in his kingdom.

The Israelites have celebrated their second Passover according to God's rules and regulations.  Then God organized the census. The census laid the foundation for which tribe went where and who was responsible for what and so forth and so on. Even when he created the whole universe, he did it systematically and with great organization.  How can anyone reading these books of the Bible not see that God really is the originator of the first "planner"  or PDA?

I wondered when I read in Numbers 10: 29-32 why Moses recruited Horab, his brother-in-law, to be a guide through the desert.  God was leading the people with the cloud situated over the tabernacle.  I am sure that God had better eyesight and knew the lay of the land better than Horab.  Afterall, he created the land and Horab.  There isn't anything recorded that God had told Moses or rebuked him for recruiting a guide.  I wondered if this little act of recruiting a guide without God's instructions was the first sign of Moses acting without God's guidance.  I know Moses made many day to day decisions etc without God directly speaking to him.  This seemed like Moses replacing God's way with Moses' way. Was this act the first sign of Moses leaning on his own abilities or understandings instead of God's?  Was this act the sign of self-reliance regarding Moses' future behavior?  In Numbers 20, Moses plainly disobeys God's instructions and did so in front of the Israelites.  Moses states:  "Listen you rebels, must WE bring you water out of this rock?" and then he hits the rock twice instead of speaking to it.  God punishes Moses and Aaron.  Their punishment, they would not make the journey into the promised land.  The land that had consumed Moses' life,  Moses would not go into Canaan land.  God still cared for Moses.  Deut 34:5-7 describes Moses' death.  It reads that Moses was just as strong as he was when he had began this exodus with God's chosen people.  God was with him when he died and it was God who buried him. 

Was Moses doing what many of us do?  WE become proficient in an area of God's calling and fall into the habit of doing what had worked in the past instead of asking God if there is a different way he wants it done.  If we are very proficient by doing what has always worked, how are people going to see the grace and  the supernatural abilities that God has.  Lets face it, that would take honor and glory from God. 

Lets take time today and every day to search our lives and see if we have gotten into a rut with God and his work.  Always remember he loves you and wants you to succeed.

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